● Explore the
"Model" and
"Equations" tabs to understand how neurotransmitter cycling is represented. The
Model tab displays the reactions and their reactants, while the
Equations tab shows how the reaction rates are expressed as functions of the reactants.
● Adjust reaction parameters to test your hypotheses by selecting parameters from the dropdown menu and entering their values. You can simultaneously modify as many parameters as you wish.
● The model will automatically simulate using the updated values.
● To restore default parameters, click the
"Reset" button.
● Define your own simulation length.
● Select the variables you want to plot, and the graph will update accordingly.
● Enable
"Percentage Change" to visualize relative changes compared to initial values instead of absolute concentrations.
● Steady-state values are printed for the selected variables.
● To download the plot, hover over it with your cursor to access the
"Download plot as a png" option.
GLN: glutamine
GLU: glutamate
GABA: gamma-aminobutyric acid
MITO: mitochondrion
GLC: glucose
BHB: beta-hydroxybutyrate
CMRglc: cerebro metabolic rate of glucose
FKB: fraction of ketone body metabolism
Vmax: maximum reaction rate
Km: Michaelis-Menten constant
MAS: pseudo malate aspartate shuttle
PAG: phosphate-activated glutaminase
GS: glutamine synthetase
GT: GABA transaminase
GAD65/67: glutamate decarboxylase 65/67_e: excitatory neuronal
_i: inhibitory neuronal
_a: astrocytic
_s: vesicular
_em: mitochondrial in excitatory neurons
_im: mitochondrial in inhibitory neurons
_cyc: cycling
_e0, _i0, _a0: baseline level/rate
_pmas: GLU-specific fraction of MAS
_gtmas: GABA-specific fraction of MAS
Steady State:
This model is part of Neuroblox. Visit at www.neuroblox.org. Contact: botond.antal(at)stonybrook.edu